The lobes of a Hugesengines shaft are very aggressive but are not destructive to anything if set up properly with there springs and good machine work. The way to "Wipe out lobes" would be lack of oil or poor valve spring choice.
I beg to differ , been there suffered the RATH of Dave hughes because of it .
If one is going to run his HTL solid cam LIFTER GEOMETRY IS CRITICAL , if it's not spot on it will EAT THE CAM PERIOD .
We had 2 of his cams go away because of bad lifter geometry , bushed the block problem solved . If you are going to buy one of these cams Dave will strongly suggest that the block be bushed , he didn't suggest strong enough or I would have had it done and saved both he and I a ton of greif .
His HTL grinds do work , 469 cube engine made over 700 hp with the 264/268 cam on 92 octane gas .