Crazy Drivers

I seriously thought about beating the bimbo to a pulp but it would have only made me look bad. I stood there and listened while the cop talked to her and she was trying to tell him it was my fault because I didn't stop and let her go across. Cop told her that it was her fault but I know that her insurance company is going to be a pain in the rear. Its Plymouth Rock and they are notorious for trying to blame someone else when their insured is at fault. There was a case here last year where a car hit a woman in the cross-walk and it was in our local court for 9 months while they tried every way they could to make the woman in the cross-walk look to be at fault. My friend was a witness for the woman and they even dug up dirt on him trying to discredit his testimony. Looks like its going to be a long haul and its only begun!!! Just glad it was relatively minor. I drove it home (only about a block away from where the accident happened). Seemed alright, even the TS and headlight still work but I'll have to get it on a frame machine to make sure its still straight. Don't want to take any chances.
