The Darwin Project

Thought I'd give you an update. Been under the weather the last week or so.
Finally got to fixing the torsion bar mounts. Got the kit for both sides from Auto Rust Technicians nice people there. Put the order in on a Thurs., they said they didn't have any in stock and would have to make me a set, probably not til mon. or tues. the next week and with shipping time i wouldn't see them til the following week. Got them dropped at my door within a week. Now thats service. Got them in the car today and finished welding. I'm not going to get my welding certification based on this job, but I don't think they're going to fall off on the first bump either. Don't have the front floors in yet, figured it would be easier to fix the torsion area with them out. Now that the torsion bar mounts are done the floors will go in this week.
While I had it in the air I decided to scrape the scaley rust and flaking undercoat. Not fun, as I'm sure most of you know, thats what kids are for. I set Nick up with a couple scrapers and a wire wheel on an air drill and told him to have at it. Well, together, it took us about 3 hrs. Not looking for perfection, just want to get the major crud off. I plan on coating most of the underside with POR 15, then reundercoating. More later.





