I hit the Jackpot!
Great find, I have not found any gold mine yet, up here in Minnesota, I have only been here for 2 monthes. But I did find a 1963
Pontiac Catalina, from a 96 year old lady, original owner, she can't
drive it any more. Interior is mint, but the body has a little rust
but over all in solid shape. I also had a guy come down to the
gas station yesterday, and he has an old 1971 International Scout,
that's been sitting for 20 years. I love when people come down to
the station and fill me in on these old cars. I have not talked to the
guy with the rolled over GTX, and I haven't been to the man's
farm with all the Hemi- parts. Its getting nicer outside so I'm
going to check on these in the next couple weeks.
Again, Great Find!! they are out there.