401k Withdrawal for a house?

Scamp, Now your thinking so i'll try and help someone that wants to help themselves. The market is in your favor. Keep in mind always. The homes that have been foreclosed on are really not wanted by the company that holds em. They will deal big time. If this is your first home buy, that's a plus. There's also the tax credit. Another thought. You're paying rent. That money is out the door and you will never see it again. The other guy will. Why help him? All the interest on the loan is tax deductable at tax time. Money back to you. You can get that down you mentioned dropped way down lower than what you stated. It's a poker game but you may or may not be any good at it. This is even if you had to rob the 401K. You shouldn't. The owner of the house which maybe a bank will work with ya so their liability wont decrease in value. A house setting vacant is a liability not an assent. They should be glad to roll a home over to the other column on their sheet. Good luck and keep us posted. When you get the new home it's time to have "KIDS". I know you'll have to come up with a real close friend or a good neighbor. Believe me, they're around. Just jerkin with ya Scamp. I know you and Frankie are in the same boat. Your buddy......sometimes.
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