401k Withdrawal for a house?

The Feds have already drawn plans which are in the works to Federalize all of the 401K's.............They know SS is insolvent with the Baby Boomers, and have to make the move.

If you WAIT to use the money, you won't be ABLE to until you're old and gray, if it's left at all, and if you have faith that the US Dollar is not going to tank with all the trillions being pumped out as "funny money" from the Fed.

You'd be very wise to use it NOW, and especially for something as solid as a piece of real estate.......use as much as you can, and I wouldn't worry about the penalties.......they're far less than if we wait and watch it all disappear into the Federal coffers.

My 2 cents. (by the way, I teach economics and investments....it ain't no joke this time....the dollar is finished very soon, as will be your equity in a 401K).