401k Withdrawal for a house?

It ain't risk free according to PastorTom - I'm no conspiracy theorist, but we all know things are headed in a strange direction, globally. Even the slightest rumor of the govt possibly taking control (seizing) pensions, 401K's, etc. would cause a massive sell-off/withdrawal, etc. This won't happen. It will be very subtle, gradual and quite a ways off IMHO, but it will happen, along with control/regulation of many other aspects of our lives (for the good of the people, of course). I like tangibles myself, not quarterly statements - but I'm 100% in stocks in my Roth right now, so not practicing what I'm preaching! As Will Rogers once said, "don't wait to buy real estate, buy real estate....and wait". He was right, but timing is everything! I don't know that we'll ever see prices beaten up like this again ? I say make the loan (as little as possible) - I did at about the same age, paid myself back with interest while contributing faithfully.