401k Withdrawal for a house?

Nothin' new.......some just won't face the facts..........

Let me ask you a question.......... If your debt ratio was at about 98% or a little higher, who would then loan you money?.........and how long would it be until you completely tanked into a bankruptcy disaster?

This is where we are right now as a world financial player. (the United States, that is). As it is, we have a maximum of 3 years until a total financial doomsday for the dollar, that is IF major disasters or unseen expenditures (like Obama's health care takeover) don't cripple us beforehand.....and if the G-20 carries through with it's plan to replace the dollar as the world "standard" (which, sad to say is their wish at this point), we may have a year or less.

To state that a 401K is a risk free investment is quite a statement, in view of literal trillions lost in the latest crash and burn of the banking, housing and investment sectors. The average loss for 401K's (which is a disputable figure) stands at appx. 35%........some lost as high as 80% of their equity. Unless your 401K is invested in staple commodities (such as certain grains, oil and natural gas for instance) and/or precious metals, you will have very little left to retire on. The dollar will simply not survive. The handwriting is on the wall.

I just rolled part of our "retirement" into a precious metal, and before I took delivery, the market had gained nearly 25%......my gain......in 12 weeks. I can liquidate part of that and reinvest, putting ME in the drivers seat instead of a college boy behind a desk somewhere at an investment firm that manages my banks 401K's.........and doing a generally lousy job at it.

Ben Bernanke knows how to do one thing, and apparently one thing only (unlike his predecessors)......he prints dollars......trillions of them (quite literally, and withou removing equal amounts from the supply). If WE did that, it would be called "counterfeiting"..........When THEY do it, it's called "stimulus". We can't survive at this rate.....it's totally unsustainable. Game over. We need to re-invest, and do it wisely, as some did before the Great Depression. Study it, and draw your own conclusions..but be warned, your 401K's are short lived, and will shortly be the property of the Federal Government. You'll have NO access, and NO say in the matter then, just like with Social Security now. You can't access your SS, can you? Can you borrow against it? Can you "cash it out" ?? Of course not. That's because it is technically a "ponzi" system........meaning that the money received has to pay out existing liabilities.......YOUR money doesn't EXIST, as far as they're concerned. They give it to someone else......YOU only have the "promise" of the Feds that they will make good someday, when you're old and crusty, to give YOU some money too. (the paper money you have in your wallet and in the bank is nothing but a "promise" too....it's a promissory note, worth the paper it's printed on, unless it's spent while the note is "good").

They NEED the wealth behind the 401K's to keep the boat from sinking in 2010......Be forewarned, and don't think a new election cycle will save the day......there's a LOT of time between now and then......anything can happen.

If you can invest your 401K's in real estate, at a good price, it's a far better deal than letting the Feds take it all with no guarantees. If you have land, you have hope and some control...you have some equity, regardless of what the dollar does......the land will STILL being a price, regardless of the "currency" that rules the day....people are kept safe and warm in a home...food is raised on land...water is accessible under the ground...all things that we tend to take for granted. Precious metals are an historical safe haven against devalued currencies too, and will most likely be what we trade in on the streets in the coming few years.....do some research (especially silver)....another great buy for your 401K dollars. Silver has nearly tripled since 1998.

I recently went to a flea market in Florida, and heard a conversation between a vendor and a prospective buyer concerning the lousy economy. The old vendor said, "The only things worth ANYTHING are guns and gold....that's it". I couldn't resist replying with a quick but respectful, "That's baloney....You can't EAT guns or gold....and they won't be using "gold" to buy and sell for the most part during a financial calamity...they'll use silver....much more quick liquidity for regular purchasing". It got real quiet at that booth. There's a LOT to consider here guys.

Bottom line in keeping with the thread, our 401K's are in DANGER. It's time to use'em or most probably lose'em.

Think about it.........and be ready for the "change" that's fast approaching.