401k Withdrawal for a house?

Nobody wants to hear this when I start, but...
Having money is about working your a** off, as many hours a week as you can, doing as many different jobs as you can. Self-discipline and personal responsibility. Once you start doing it, it snowballs. My wife and I don't owe anyone, anything. Every dollar we make is ours. Use a budget, and stick to it.
Robbing a 401K is foolish. When you're older, you'll miss that $12,000 and all the interest it will have gained. After you work to save a down payment, it's the best feeling you can have.
Here's where I learned a lot: http://beta.daveramsey.com/ I started before I heard of Dave, and adapted our plan some what with what I learned from him.
I knew this wouldn't draw much, if any response. Did I mention my wife and I don't owe ANYONE ANYTHING? No where in school do we learn to buy only what we can pay for. We start getting credit card apps and don't give it any more thought. My wife and I don't even have a credit card. No need. SAVE for a down payment, then pay off that mortgage as fast as possible. You'd be surprised how many places you can find cash to pay it off.