401k Withdrawal for a house?

I guess I need to clarify what I meant about a 401k being a risk free investment. Yes there is risk in any investment, but my 401k has an employer matched contribution. What other investment gives me a 100% return on my investment as soon as I deposit it? I also have the ability to control whether my money is invested in high risk stocks, bonds, real estate, etc, etc. I can choose the amount of risk that I am willing to handle. If I lost my job tomorrow and couldn't pay my mortgage, I would loose my house and all the equity I have in it but I would still have my 401k.

And sure the economy took a downturn but it is already starting to show signs of recovery. I have confidence that when I retire in 25 years the economy will have improved and my 401K will still be there. I'm thinking long term investment not trying to turn a quick buck. Patience.

I'm sorry that I won't buy into the hype put out by precious metals snake oil salesmen betting on our country's failure (I'm waiting for the gold bubble to burst just like the tech bubble and the housing bubble did ... it's all speculation driven by fear and greed). I'm also sorry that I cannot be so cynical as some who choose to belive that we are in store for total financial collapse. I did not choose to immigrate to the US just to bet on its failure.