New pictures of my Duster!

These pictures are from the first car show I ever took it to. This was on June 26th, 2009. A first annual show in an area called Shawnigan Lake. It was at a private school so there were a few preppy (think their hot ****) car owners there. I got a good laugh out of the brown stock Volvo 4dr parked beside us. The lime green '71 Valiant 4dr beside the Duster is my friend Tyson's old car. It was a Slant 6. He did a lot of work to it but hadn't finished (hence primer). We nicknamed it "The Green Bastard". :lol: He sold it back in August though to a guy who was gonna drop a 440 in it. Tyson has since bought an '81 Malibu with a 305. Me and Tyson had the only Mopars there. A bronze '68-'69 Barracuda showed up but then drove away. The Duster didn't behave this day. It wouldn't start at the gas station (ignition problems), then it wouldn't start for about 10 minutes at the car wash. Then on the highway to the show, it started spewing oil. A bad valve cover gasket (well actually, installation job :D) turned out to be the cause. The funny thing was, the fancy red Nova beside me was spewing even more oil and it was dropping like rain onto the grass field ;)