302 casting potential?

What about putting in mopar 1.88 intake valves? I assume that can be done and still work good and make good HP, right? We kinda figured, how much money will these free heads end up costing by time he's done with them lol funny how that works.

oops, the post above this wasn't there when I started typing this
i agree with the above statements. 1.88's are good enuff for the 318s bore size. no need to deshroud anything.
well mabey a little valve reliefs on the chamber walls. those heads work extreamly well with 360 and larger
engines too. you just need a big enuff port for the 2.02 or 2.05" intake valves. the port on the left is stock
while the port on the right is half done. these "302" heads have since been fitted with 2.05" intakes. 1.60" exausts.

I put brass sleeves down into the pushrod guides becouse the ports where a little to close to breaking through. wish I
could find my other pics... even free costs money nowadays lol.