Piston choice: hyper or forged???

I'm not understanding.....sorry to post on your thread. I do understand that forged are stronger than the hyper's but why are there so many stroker kits with hyper pistons? Are they selling inferior parts that will not last in a stroker application?

Good question dartman, I'll see if I can answer it.
Whether we're talking about steel or aluminum the process of forging is essentailly the same. Raw molten material, lets talk aluminum, is poored into blocks then as they're cooling large rollers or presses or even hammers form the material into solid dense blocks. The forging process aligns the grain structure of the aluminum all in the same direction and this alignment makes for a very strong product. At this point the piston is machined out of the block of material and viola ya got a forged piston. Hyper/cast pistons are machined out of the molten material after it's been poored into rough castings and allowed to cool and since there was no forging involved the grain structure of the aluminum will be in all directions therefore not as strong. Forgings are also heavier because the material is more dense, molecules are packed tighter together, than castings.
