Water leak inside 65 barracuda

Why not just get under the dash with a flashlight and have a look see? If the "Top Hat" vents are leaking you will be able to see the rust and water if its the Windshield seal "like mine that leaks" you will have to take it out. and seal it again.

Another thing to do is get under the dash board in the garage with the lights out and put a droplight on the cowl, you might see light holes....

I did that, but it is literally right in the corner and next to impossible for me to get to, making me believe that there is some hole under the windshield. Nothing for me to pull the windshield out and fix on my own. Its stored away now where there is no water so not a big deal now. Just a pain in the *** cause it didnt leak before but after I changed windshields, BOOM!