Tubular upper control arms

Can't beat the improvement in the caster. The CAP tubular uppers have 3 degrees of caster and adjust to 7 if needed so regardless of ride height you can always get at least 3. They come powder coated and ready to bolt on.

Besides they ship out of either the US or Canada for you Canadians so there is no duty. Can beat that


Hey Ray
Heard your upper arms break just like the 2 x POS kframes you sold me. I'm still waiting for one of your good kframe customers to tell us all how well that product has done for them.

Send me my $2k and I will forget I ever dealt with your company. what did you think of that broken kframe I sent back to you on my dime???? I never heard back from you after I sent you that frame that broke in 10 different locations.
Feel free to call me if you want to make things right.....you have my money and my number.