finally it looks like V-8 time
well let's just say that it was probably at least a 200hp boost over the /6 :thumleft:
it ran great, it's by no means done, I still have to get a few things final adjusted and some bugs worked out. I need to change the oil filter adapter to the one that puts the filter straight back, and change the power steering pump. I'm currently thinking I may have to change out the tin intake gaskets for a set of composite ones as I still have water leaks at the front corner. I need to change the park cable, the '65 console cable is shorter than the '64 lever on my dash. I need to give it a final fine tune and paint some of the parts I put on before I painted them (you wouldn't believe how difficult wrinkle black paint is turning out to find!), and finally I need to get the hood put back on, both hinges popped off when I was putting the engine in, I have to decide whether to pull the fenders and permanently fix the problem or just get it back on, once it's bolted on tight the hinges seem to stay put, but if you take one loose they pop off the pins, and the hood goes shooting off the car like a catapault.