After 18 years I was let go.........

After 18 years at my current employer and 30 years overall in my field I was let go. At 52 years of age it is surely a shock to one's system and bank account. My place was relocated to another part of the country and I will not be going with them. In the first place, if you can believe it they did not offer me my job "in the new location" and I probably wouldn't have gone if they did. Anyway, I now join the 10.3% of unemployed Americans on the unemployment line. The total is probably more like 12-15% but the government doesn't want you to know the real number.
At 52, I must now "start over", a daunting task, especially in my field which is very difficult to get jobs in.
Our beloved Country is in a real bad way. Companies in times like these tell people that "they should be happy that they have jobs". This is very similar to what happened during the great depression, where companies knew they had employees by the you know whats and that they should be grateful that they had jobs. This is going on today as well. People are giving into these big companies, working for lower wages and bad health plans, unions are dropping like flies and Socialism will become the only option because people will NEED the government to survive. Heaven help us. Thanks for listening to me as I vent. At least I have my Darts! (for now)