body & paint quotes

What with the price of chemicals going up drastically, materials alone on a high quality paint job will be over $2,000. By that I mean Glasurit/Diamont or PPG. Not a big fan of $hitcans (Sikkens) or Dupont. You just can't beat Glasurit and PPG in my book is a very close 2nd. Of course you could spend $10,000 on materials and have it still look like a shiny sack of marbles if you don't have good bodywork done. Prep work is the most important thing to concentrate on. I've painted Ford work vans with acrylic enamel that looked better than some people's restorations because the van was straight to begin with. I'd make sure and see some examples of the quality of bodywork performed first and yeah be prepared to spend $5-8K on a good restoration paint job. Rust is the most significant factor in how much it'll cost you.