I think I really scewed up during initial start up...

Wiring diagram for your viewing pleasure: http://www.mymopar.com/downloads/1973/73ValiantA.jpg

Bust out the multimeter, and see where you are (and are not) getting voltage before you go around bypassing stuff (although briefly installing 2 jumpers in place of your ballast should be fine).

Running directly from Bat+ to coil+ works on points, but is pretty dangerous (engine won't shut off with switch). Besides that only confirms there is a problem (which should be obvious due to no-start) but does nothing to pinpoint the location of the problem.

Yes you're right, it can be a little risky, I always used an alligator clip so its easily pulled off, at least he would know that it's not fuel or timing related. When you're banging your head against the wall with limited information like this guy, it's comforting to know what you can eliminate for sure. Kev