Car dies in left turn??

I've tried all of the above now. Sock, Carb adjusted, Every wire wiggled while car was runing. I unbolted all the ignition grounds and scraped the scale off. I tried turning the wheel while idleling. It does it when it's in motion still. One reason I don't believe it's electrical is it doesn't loose power (electrical) and the car fires right back up as soon as the suspension (car) settles. Sometimes all I have to do is pop the clutch and it comes back to life.

It done it only once today with a full tank. Is there anything in the pump that can be effected by cetrifigal (sp?) force? I know the filter is working because its clear and the fuel flows through it at idle. I haven't been able to check it when it happens because I'm always in traffic. If I get this figured out I'll let yall know. I am going to try to make a baffle around the pick-up tube tomorrow.