body & paint quotes

You can never really appriciate the price on someones labor till you do it a couple of times and screw it up. In our neck of the woods we pay in the $2500 to $4000 range your refering to. I 've been in the construction trade all my life and am 54 now and have done a lot of sheetrock mud so i thought i could do it. So i bailed off into my first car two years ago. Ask me if i learned anything.......No one could have ever told me all the lessons i would learn. I cut out panels and did my oun work all the way from strip whole car/prime/paint/sand w/800/1000/1200/1500/buff and shine. As one stated materials alone would choke a horse. I am about to put on the vinyl top. Would i do it again?? Hell yes. This is fun. I have people ask who did the body and when i tell em it's my first they really look for flaws. There are some but nothing obvious. One BIG tip...not all body tools need to be bought at a paint store. A 3' yard stick is the cheapest tool i own and it's not the least important