Hmmmmm, lots of good ideas! No decisions yet though. Let's give it some more time / views so everyone who wants to put in their two cents has an opportunity to do so; not everybody visits FABO every day like some of us die hard addicts. LOL

If all the winners are chosen at once (regardless of WHEN they receive their prizes), what incentive would new 2010 members have to post their story? So far, I'm kinda leaning toward the random-number thing proposed by Duster Dude 72 ... and if somebody wins a prize they don't need / want, there's nothing prohibiting the winner from selling or trading it to get what they DO need -- that's part of the nature of building cars! Keep those thoughts and comments coming in gang!!! I knew the other night I wasn't considering everything, and 12,000 heads are much better than one. LOL

Small Block, thank you once again for your latest donation. Car mags are a great inspiration and parts / idea source!

Godfather, your generous offer is also appreciated! But please hang onto your ThermoQuad for the time being and we'll worry about getting it to the winner later just like all the rest of the donations. Along those lines ...

Ya'll might have the idea I'm this "big business owner" [hahahaha] around here with deep pockets and corporate gold cards, but truth be told I'm just a lowly "mom and pop shop" trying really hard to scrape out a living and in the same broke boat as most everyone else. There's no way I could afford to foot the shipping bill for everything to get where it needs to go at the conclusion of the contest although I really wish I was in a position to do so. (In fact, I just bought my first "present" in FIVE YEARS, a 12 megapixel digital camera I've desperately needed for a very long time to show off my work and make my website look better. Starting all over from scratch at the age of 40 is one of the reasons I put this contest together ... I know personally what the kids are going through, and who can't use a little 'bump draft' now and then?)

I'll get another Prize Package update posted soon with these latest additions. Thanks once again to everyone -- all is appreciated!!!