Just moved to Humboldt County California

Just moved from St Louis to Eureka California. Since we were towing my Dart with 04 Ford F150 V6 we took the southern route since the mountains aren't as steep. The Ford lost the radio then speedometer about an hour and a half outside of Flagstaff, AZ. We had to unload the Dart to get parts for the Ford, we drove to the next town we could find which was about half hour drive. We figured either battery or alternator, or both. Non of the parts stores had an alternator so we bought Battery and started to drive on. My buddy fell sound asleep since he was up all night driving and most of that day, about an hour into the haul the radio went out then speedometer and dash lights. This was a out 10 pm at this point, I pulled over and tried to wake buddy but he wouldnt budge. I ended up pulling batter from dart and was lucky enough to have a different buddy that lived in Flagstaff so I called him and made my way towards his place. We ended up crashing for the night and started to call parts houses and then Ford dealerships looking for an alternator, the closet we could find was a dealer in Barstow, Ca that was getting alternator from Bakersfiled. We figured we could grab another battery or two and use dart to charge batteries and swap out as we went and hopefully make it to dealership. Every place we called wanted 200 bucks for the part, long story short we couldn't make it to Barstow, Ca in time for dealership. I figured I would try one more time to locate a parts place with alternator for a V6 F150, Pep boys had one with lifetime warranty for 85 bucks. Finally good news....I started to dose off and then I am awoke with Ford dying and us pulling over on side of the road. Well I am not sure what the hell I was thinking but I hopped out of the truck like I was part of the pit crew on a nascar team or something. When I got out of truck I had my blackberry....****....I set it on top of the RV type passenger side extender mirror and basically ended up watching more than helping change battery and jumped back in the truck. About time we hit 70 mph I hear a clunk I though something fell out of my pocket and kinda ignored for a moment until I realized I couldn't find my phone. We turned around and I walked up and back for about 1/2 mile or more looking on side of the road and couldn't find anything. Got back in truck and thought damn well I gotta call Verizon and blah blah blah and I though I saw something and said pulled over about 5 miles up the road and low and behold there it was and it was fine and still on!! Anyway have Dart in Nor Cal now........