Passon Od Vs Keisler Tko

I`ve got a Keisler TKO-600 kit in my 500 c.i. Barracuda. The kit went in without much ado and works great. I give it hell on a regular basis and so far so good. It`s a shame that you only hear about the cases that go bad and not the majority of the cases that go well. No business could ever be successful and survive if every customer was dissatisfied. I`m sure that running these businesses for Keisler and Passon is no picnic and they simply can`t please all the people all the time. Things are going to go wrong from time to time and that`s just the way it is. Are we not human? I would guess that the majority ( 90%) of all customers these two companies serve are pleased with their products/service. It`s a fact that an unhappy customer will tell up to ten different people of their experience while a satisfied custom will only tell three different people. Combine that lopsided ratio with the internet and you can see how just one unsatisfied customer can make quite a wave.