The NFL is starting to really suck!

Yea, I head something about the "white lines" in Seattle on the radio! There must be some truth to that.

Yes, I think Favre pretty much proved his point. He wants to win, and he knew that Packers suck and they didn't care to improve the team. Too cheap. I didn't get it at first, but I can now understand. It is selfish, but he wants to win, and he is.

Let me clarify too. I do think some of the show boating is stupid. I mean when I team is behind 14 points, and a guy make 1 tackle and dances around all proud. That is annoying.
But if A guy makes a touch down, and has a short prayer or something? So what?
Also all these interference calls, and holding calls. They can call that every play if they wanted too. Also they are turning into real pusses. it's going in the direction of flag football. That's it what is starting to turn me away from the NFL. Just let the men play!