The NFL is starting to really suck!

Those guys get paid extremely well for scoring points, isn`t that what they`re supposed to do? Why do they have to beat their own chests when they do? With all of the celebrating and props there was it starting to look like the WWF or something. I`m glad they started fining people for some of the antics that were going on, perhaps a little dignity can be put back in the game. If there was anything I think they should change it`s the use of instant replay. If something is questionable about a play that can be made right by using instant replay then they should use it, regardless if the call was challengeable or not.

Here's the deal. The guy's with class never did a dance in the end zone. They new that they scored with the help of the entire team. All this look at me and what I did is just a bunch of classless wannabe's.


I totally agree. They dance around in the end zone like a Bantam rooster struttin around, looking like a fool. All because they think THEY scored the goal and it had nothing else to do with anybody else on their team.