440 pistons Help

I did know that was the key to a T-ram on street. Its about tuning I know that. The linkages are over 100 bucks but hey whats more money at this point lol. Its just get old hearing it cant be done or shouldn't be done its nice to hear someone say it can for once.

Not aruging but that seems like alot of converter for a street car.

Yeah, it may sound like alot of converter for the street, but you'de be surprized how good a well built unit would act.

You can make your own linkage, i'm not the smartest monkey in the tree, if i can do it, so can you, just need to be creative, all you need is some aluminum stock, a drill/tape measure & some nuts & bolts, all your really makeing is a big "T", the top bar crosses from carb too carb, & the down bar is what you hook the throttle to, i even ran my kickdown off of it on my D100 lol, i ran the factory carb stud that comes on the mopars.