Demon and Dart Sport Scoop Location

Yes, do believe that's for Dusters – no scoops – any year, right? Only the Twister package was a scoop option offered. Now, Dodge's, looks like a few different applications happened and according to the string, after the 2 scoop '71's, the functional dual snorkel scoop (J54 order code) could be had in the '72 Demon, Mr Norm GSS hot rods and if you were Western Canadian and lucky enough to get your hands on one of the 60 or so 340 Specials, you had a cool functional scoop (as much as it was functional). Or, you could order one and have it dealer installed but it wouldn't be functional, just dress-up. For '73 and '74 Dart Sports, the dual snorkel scoop (J54 order code) could be had on factory cars or again, ordered separate and dealer installed for the look. The few Mr Norm GSS '73 cars probably got them(?). After that, it would have just been a dealer installed, non functional piece for '75 and '76, right? If that's correct, we'll just have to wait for another unknown Ma' Mopar scoop application (here or abroad) that someone knows about or stumbles onto - post it here...