ABodyBetty's new baby comes home!!!

Hey 64,

just a shout to commiserate. I've been off since March, with no prospect of a return date. I keep applying for positions that I'm way overqualified for, and yet, I'm not the least surprised when I get the rejection (if I get one at all). It's difficult to try and synopsize an entire career into a cover letter or resume, and make it stand out from the 100's or 1,000's of others that must be inundating the H.R. departments. A lot of job listings are only posted to meet E.E.O.C. rules. They already know whom they are going to hire... their unemployed spouse or brother-in-law. Enough rant.
The simplest option I can suggest for the busted stud, and you may not like hearing this... Remove and replace the cylinder head. You might actually be able to locate an alternate head that requires nothing more than cleaning, lapping the valves, a coat of paint, and 2 gaskets. If you removed the existing head, you'd at least be able to get close to the offending stud. It's just over a dozen bolts...
You gotta just keep pluggin' away. Keep your chin up. Win one for the Gipper (WTF????)! I can still hear my dad (sold newspapers at age 10 during the depression in Milwaukee in the winter, with cardboard in the bottom of his shoes) sayin' "They'll be better days" and "Where there's life, there's hope". Here's to hoping we're healthy enough to enjoy the recovery.
All the best to you, ABB, Lex and Vinnie for the holiday season!!!!!! Neilski