fuel issue after car sits.
...i soak it in pb blaster but it seems like once it burns the pentrant up, it freezes up again.
I was told that Manifold Heat Control Valve Solvent (aka Rust Penetrant) is still available from Mopar. Part number 4318039 or 4318039AB. You might see if it is and if it really works.
Where were all of you when I had a thread going about issues with my Carter BBD and its hard starting habits? I was beginning to believe I was nuts, thinking the carb was draining overnight. At least I now know there are several of you experiencing the same problem - I just don't think it's possible to completely "drain" the carburetor through the fuel line.
Stop and think about this for a second...
Assuming a good, tightly seated needle valve, fuel could not exit through the inlet. Furthermore, looking at it closely, the fuel inlet is approximately at the mid-line of the bowl, about 3/8" above its floor. Actually, the bottom of the float is below the lowest level of the inlet's opening. Therefore, if the fuel fills the bowl to a level that raises the float enough to close the needle valve, the top of the fuel, as best I can tell, doesn't even make it up to the inlet level - no siphoning is possible.