ABodyBetty's new baby comes home!!!

Hi dustermaniac,
I want to thank you for kind and generous offer but it's not quite that bad yet. It might be in a couple of weeks though! LOL!!
I'm sure things will work out one way or another. I gave up worring months ago, but it still eats away at you.
If it gets too bad we can sell BOF if we have to. I thought our mower would sell but nobodys needing mowers right now!
Were totally jammin up Ebay this weekend with stuff to sell.
It's all good, besides if it isn't all good, who gives a crap anyway! LMBO!!!
Again many thanks for your kind heart and offer but we couldn't accept right now. It is trully a noble act of kindness you are extending and we are very appreciative, THANK YOU!
I hope you and your family have a wonderful and Merry Christmas!:-D

Please keep me updated on your status. I will try to assist you in any way I possibly can. Do not be ashamed to ask for help, everyone needs a little support at times. Keep your chin up. Thank You for the kind words. God Bless you and your family.:wink: