Street Racing A Nova !

Just to clear the air I do realize that racing on non sanctioned roads is not a good idea, however anytime my group of weekend buddies and I get together it happens and we feel we go about it in about as safe a manner as possible. We are ALWAYS in the country or in an industrial area away from innocent people and homes. Anyone who is at a spot with us is there because they chose to be, nobody is forced to do this and we assume full responsibility for our actions, at most we may hit a deer. I know it's not the best thing to do but it is a rush and always was/ will be. What are some of the most infamous mopars? Jimmy Addison's Silver Bullet and Big Willie's Daytona, both extremely active and popular street racers from the day. Call us stupid if you want but we are never under the influence of any substance (excluding sun drop and pizza) and we've got roads prepped better than some tracks. btw if you need a cheap test spot pour some corn syrup on a road on a hot day in line with your tires and in a few hours you've got a great launch pad. One more time

STREET RACING IS NOT A CRIME. . .well it is but, **** it.

(steps down off soap box and wishes a good day to the kind FABO members)

well put man! unfortunatly where i am there are very strict laws on it happening because the stupid import kids go onto main roads and race constantly for hours on end, and they race in braod daylight on highways, both killing innocent people (dont really care if they die, its their own fault)...they dont have brains to keep it to areas where no one goes (guess they wanna be seen or something)...the only runs i know of happen literally in a period of 5 mins and everyone scatters right it doesnt happen much anymore due to the sever risks of having your car crushed...mind you though if i ever do it, it will be in secluded areas where noone goes...keep it safe man!