
Hey Romeo, have a blast! I took my 17 and 18 year old boys there for Christmas. It was amazing! I let the kids drink and they were fine...I just told them to not disrespect our family name and dont puke in the pool!!LOL ..and they didnt. I think the only time they were sick was when we went out deep sea fishing, they were hung over and spent the entire ride hanging over the edge of the boat or trying to sleep it off....caught 2 fish, a Jack and a Barracuda, that was cool!! The food is good, take some cheap giveaways for the maids and the bartenders. Bluejay hat, anything small like that. Saw lots of old cars, but no mopars, more like the mid 50's chebs and fords. Sorry for hijacking to show off the pics. OH BTW go to Canadian tire and buy the insulated "bubba" sport mugs. They hold about 4 beer....otherwise you will be getting up every 2 sips...they basically give you dixie cups. Enjoy and take lots of pics







