FInally got moving on my 64 Barracuda!!

Erik: Do you have to live in S.F.? I live on the other side of the bay.

Yep, I rented a room in Oakland for a few months when I first landed here. You're absolutely right about real estate prices being cheaper... though even the East Bay is crazy compared to so many other places in the country. (A $400k "starter home"? Good grief, that oughtta buy a mansion.)

I don't expect to be in SF forever, but it'll do for the moment. Now that I'm here, I've found a very cute reason to stay, and she's more encouraging than anyone I've ever met. It's really helping both of us flourish in so many ways. I'll just enjoy whatever comes, since she has far more reasons to want to be in SF than I do.

Ya know what they say, hang onto a woman when she appreciates yer wheels... ;)

- Erik

64 Valiant, 170 3-spd
82 Volvo wagon, 5.0 5-spd :)