Got screwed by a member

Buyer beware I know, but a member on here has really screwed me. I bought some items (Radiatorw/fan, guages, and wheels) listed in this thread:
after many emails and thought everything was good. Up until the time when the first package came, I open the box up to find the guages, rough but good, and a radiator that I can only assume is off some middle eastern mini truck. It is smaller than the stock unit, has no fill tube, the inlet and outlet are mis sized and mis placed and there is no bracketing to speak of. The guy told me he ran it on his 70 Cuda. Bull. Total bill for radiator and an electric fan was $150. That fan better be worth $145 but from the looks, it in no way could keep an Indy 600 block cool as was advertised to me.
I still havent received my wheels and tires ($350) and have had no replys to two emails since recieving the first package. Oh and I orginally paid in mid April.
Anybody live in bat swinging distance of a Terry Trump of FARIBAULT, MN Please let me know. Or him by emailing: [email protected]

I just want some freaking answers and maybe my hard earned money back. I'd be happy to return the radiator.

Might have a return address on the box, will have to check. Cant even trust Mopar guys anymore...