New here. My 68 Dart GT.

Well you,ve done good buye!You,ve been busy!Keep us posted with track times.

Well it's ben a while since I've posted here. Thought I'd give an update, as requested:wav:.

I got the Dana in, with 3.73 gears this time around. Little more street friendly.

Best 1/8 mile to date is just a 7.21, @ 95.5 MPH, spinning just a tad out of the hole. I went with a complete Caltrac set-up too, with mono springs, Caltrac bars, and their shocks front and back. Not alot of opportunity for testing though:sad:. Actually went faster shifting at 5000 than I did at 5800.

Shifting at 5800, I went a 7.31. Track manager told me to slow down, no roll bar. So I shifted at 5000, and picked up a solid tenth:finga:. SLOW DOWN?? I tried. I think it's fuel related, as it sorta sputters abit above 5200rpm, so I've asked Santa for a bigger fuel pump. One I have now only flows 90gph. New one will be 140gph. Time will tell.

Here's a short video. Enjoy.
