Resurrected Junk

Well, the good weather didn't hold, but I made some progress on the 4 bbl. First step was to get a good book on Holley 4 bbls so I didn't screw things up. As expected, the carb wasn't jetted right for the /6. A set of re-usable gaskets, the jets, and some manifold studs had to be procured. The 4160 uses a plate to set up the secondaries, where the 4150 will use regular jets. (No wonder Holley has financial problems. I'll never understand bean counters and I used to be one.)

Any rate, the carb is now jetted properly on the primary side. I want to find a #7 or #34 metering plate (Holley part number 134-7 and 134-34 respectively) to complete the secondary side.

Looking forward to the installation, I did a trial fit on the manifold. I'll need to fabricate mounting brackets unless someone knows of a better way to mount the throttle and kickdown cables. Photos below are of trial fit. I do this both to tease myself and find motivation to keep plugging.


