4/7 swap in firing order..

On the intake side of it, it's all chevy related, or a specific intake design flaw remedy, if even that. I even ``kinda doubt that idea, but would need to look at the intake design of the engine in question that supposedly picked up power from this.

Otherwise it's a main loading issue, more evenly distributes load to the mains, which I wonder if torsioning comes into play, 454's can toss rods like it's going out of style.

You know, this was the same thing TK/dodgeTKboy78 asked on moparchat.
And he was banned there, now A-BOMB360 is asking the same.
:read2: http://www.moparchat.com/forums/showthread.php?t=115062
u 2 are never on at the same time?
Just a coincidence I noticed, sorry If I distract from this awesome topic.