4/7 swap in firing order..

i was thinking about that too. then i realised with the change to the 1-8-7-3-6-5-4-2 firing order, it puts #2 & #4 next to eachother. so really whats the difference? i dunno.

I'm going to guess it deals with exact placement within the single plane intake would be more desireable. Not so desireable is the number 5&7 in asingle plane for us. Swap 4 & 7 around. Whatcha get.
(Under the weather and the brainis off)
Also the Harmonics like MoPer mentioned. I did here something about that a way's back, BUT, IDK crap!

You know, this was the same thing TK/dodgeTKboy78 asked on moparchat.
And he was banned there, now A-BOMB360 is asking the same. u 2 are never on at the same time?
TK was banned there? LOL, well, TK and A-bomb 360 IMO, aren't the same guy. I was tinking you and him were the same guy creating a whirlpool in the pot for fun. Ha ha ha ha ha
Just a coincidence I noticed, sorry If I distract from this awesome topic.
Just me. Good laff, good one though. Say! Where the heck is TK Anyway? I know heres here under a different screen name but hasn't made a apperance in a bit. I figured he'd be here with this topic.