Any Row Crop farmers....

I farm and am familiar with wildlife. If you want racoons, plant some corn, otherwise stick with the milo and soybeans. Do an early spray with glyphos, generic round-up, it's very cheap. Work the ground and apply your N/P/K. What is the spacing on a 2 row planter? Most 6+ row planters are 30". Have the soil tested first to see if you need lime and how much fertilizer, the local fert. plant can do that. Plant your corn/milo seperate from your soybeans so they can be sprayed with the appropriate herbicide. Let me stress this point, make sure and spray for weeds. In SEKs, no herbicide means no crop.

Any commercial brand corn/milo/soybeans should work, does around here.

I've seen some people put in a late summer planting of turnips so the deer have greens to eat through the winter months plus you get fresh turnips to eat.

Hope this helps

Spray the corn with pre-emergance herbicide, the soybeans(if round-up ready) post emergance.