Guess what 2morrow is?!

Hey guys! You have no idea how much y'all have made my day! Last year was pretty much the worst birthday ever and I haven't even left the house yet and it has already been like a 1000 times better! :) Thanks for all y'all that are 'having one' with me on here.. because i'm going to BWW right after class to consume a couple alcoholic beverages.. or 5 lol.. I'm gonna try to get all my studying for 2morrow out of the way 2day in class so I can celebrate 2nite.. Anyways.. I'll get on and holler at y'all later! :)
Thanks again! And Happy Birthday to all of you other December birthdays too!

P.S. Smallblock! I didn't know you were 22! You look soo much younger ;)