Some Math for You.

I do remember that the Olds, Pontiac, Buick and Chevy lines all had different 350's, but I'm not sure about the bore and stroke; thay may well have been all different. I do know that they shared no interchangeable parts, except for perhaps the internals of the distributors... and, I'm not even sure about that. None of those four 350's looked anything alike... all, different engine families. And yes, the small, Nova-based, Caddy used a fuel injected version of a 360 Olds, while the Oldsmobile still had a carburetor.

I think one way to determine displacement from engine specs is this:

Bore divided by 2, times itself, times 3.1416, times stroke, times the number of cylinders will give you the displacement.

Or, cylinder radius, squared, times pi (3.1416) times stroke, times the number of cylinders = displacement.