fuel issue after car sits.
Comparing FI and carb systems is a little like comparing apples and oranges. When I turn the key of a car with FI to the ON position, I often hear a brief buzz. That is an electric fuel pump pressurizing the system. [Note: The fuel system of an FI car is fully pressurized before the starter is engaged.] The car usually starts immediately.
My /6 has a Holley carb on it. The longer I go between drives, the more cranking and pumping I need to do to get it to start. The same is true of the Demon with an AFB, but to a significantly lesser extent. I attribute this to the gasoline and the way it corrupts seals. (There is a seal between the fuel bowl and the throttle body on the Holley, not so on the AFB.)
I have resigned myself to the existence of 10% ethanol in pump gas. IMO, an electric fuel pump compensates for the fuel loss that both carb and FI systems experience. I try to make sure my ignition and fuel systems are performing properly and am thankful for higher amperage batteries than back in the day.