Any Row Crop farmers....

stay away from the round up ready all together ... in 5 years all the weeds will be immune to roundup and then you will have nothing to kill the weeds off with.

just my .02

also stay away from bt corn, deer will not eat it. It is modified so organisms will not eat it ... deer are organisms. We just ran into this problem with our cattle. after 5 years of using it. It has been traced as one of the possibilities of why we are having troubles with calving all year.
At the moment we have a silo full bt corn silage and now are regretting it. Also our ground corn is also bt corn ...

rows 32 inches apart for both corn and beans ... the seed dealer can tell you best rate to plant at.

add lots and lots of organic materials ... such as straw stubble and cow tirds ... best natural way to go. the yields will love it :)