Captainkirk's Duster project
Thanks for the kind comments, all. Shame on you for reading this at work anyway! This is a (true) story not to be tossed down like a shot of rotgut whiskey, but rather, rolled around on the palate like a fine wine and savored to get the full effect (although I am honored to have all of you read it in any context!) I'm truly sorry about the lack of pix, but as I explained earlier, there are none. Now for the good news.....when we "cross over" to part 2, there will be more pix than Carter's has little pills.....I promise!
Again thanks all for reading and being patient; writing quickly is like reading quickly, you don't get the same effect and I don't want to rush the stroll down Memory Lane lest I omit some of the "good stuff", so please bear with me.