Things I Learned in North Carolina

360 scamp,
I am sorry that your perception of North Carolina was tarnished by a few odd looks at some bar which, I might add, were more likely caused by a stray boogie on your cheek than by the skin tone of any of your companions, but, southern is not a synonym for racist. Honestly, did you ever think to check for a boogie?
As for the nascar thing, nascar isn't just some redneck past time here. Half the guys I know work for race teams. Their lives revolve around race season because it's their profession. The rest of us race fans, well, we just really like fast cars. :snakeman:
Oh, and I gotta know where it is you were that there was so much country music. I've been looking for a good country bar since I moved here and all I could find was some silly joint by the airport.