Huge breakthrough on M.S?

Quote=The vitamin D/sunlight thing doesnt hold water with me either.If it were true,Eskimo people would all be crippled with M.S.Yet they have survived for thousands of years in subzero condtions that dont allow for taking clothes off and sucking up the sun...AND THEY DONT HAVE M.S.

They eat more fish and get D vitamins that way, I am not saying I disagree just that there diet they get more D then we do.

I was not aware.Is there lots of D in Fish,whale and seal? I think thats mostly what they traditionally eat. And it still doesnt account for native americans having low rates of M.S. Maybe I should build a sweat lodge,lol....

Olddart,the M.S society paid for passes to the local aquatic center. I just dont have the gas...most days I spend resting or sleeping.