Blow proof bells

well mad, thats the same problem im having, and im running a diaphram clutch thats supposed to only be a little stiffer than a stock clutch and i also have the overcenter spring removed (its just extra to push through thats not needed with a diaphram style pressure plate)...Ross sent me a new bracket with one extra hole under the starter- helped a little but not enough...kinda sucks that he's heard it from more than one person now and hasnt dont anything about it...makes me tempted to call him and ask him to make thinking i just might try it actually

mad, i hope you dont have the same problem

I emailed him last night, told him I am interested in one and if he has fixed the current problem with them. I also told him about how many different people have had problems. Is there any way someone could e-mail him this whole thread, so he gets the point there is more than one person having a problem? i don't know how or I would do it. i will let everyone know what he emails me back.
