Do The Same Thing Every Time

Well we did it ! We slowed the car down a half second in the 1/8 mile so we could run in the 7.50 index class. We got there too late to make our first qualifying pass . So we took a wild guess as to what size restrictor we should run , put about a 100 lb worth of weight in and run a 7.508 , for no 1 qualifier in the class . Figuring we might be just a tad too fast we figured to slow down just a little on our bye run. It ran 7.564 which seemed too slow! Sooo we speed her back up to where we started at , dooing a big ole nasty burn out oops! She 60 ft better with a 1.59 instead of a 1.61 too fast ! 7.488 Shucks!, do the same thing every time, do the same thing every time!!!
