Your Thoughts and Prayers are needed!

Most of you know, but some don't, who '70Dart, (Marvin) is. I have been asked by quite a few of the members how Marvin is doing over the last few months as Marvin has not been on the board lately. I received a PM from Marvin last night and I will share it with you.

hi jack hows it going? Wanted to to drop you a line to wish you and Phylis a merry christmas and and a happy holidays. I have been quite sick and they cant find out what is wrong with me, i am down to 118 lbs now and quite tired most of the the time. I have come to to realize that my dream of building my car isnt goig to happpen as i wont get well enough from my stroke. so if you now anybody who needs parts send them my way. If you happen to be my way stop by i am always home. Take care buddy
end quote:

Please keep Marvin and his family in your thoughts and prayers at this special time of year.

Marvin, if you read this, please remember that you are part of the FABO family even if you don't get your car finished and you are welcome at any time. We are here for you.
